sony prs t2的说明书?先锋80prs中文说明书的?

请问索尼的SONY PRS-T2这款电纸书如何?系统有中文了么?_电纸书吧_百度贴吧
请问索尼的SONY PRS-T2这款电纸书如何?系统有中文了么?收藏
电纸书今天被压坏了。。。想换个用用看好了索尼的这款,但具体信息不是很清楚,不知道怎么样索尼的SONY PRS-T2这款电纸书如何?系统有中文了么?如果不好就kindle算了
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第三方登录:Sony Reader PRS-T2 review - CNET
Sony Reader PRS-T2
Average User Rating
1 user review
Editors' Top Picks
Although it's pricey, the Kindle Voyage's slim design, sharper display and even better...
Amazon's next-generation e-reader may look the same as the original, but it's noticeably...
While it doesn't necessarily beat the Kindle Paperwhite, the $119 Nook GlowLight is an...
Amazon's entry-level Kindle is the company's most affordable touchscreen e-reader to date...
It's one of those great footnotes of tech history: the first-gen Amazon Kindle, introduced in
, is really a me-too device. It hit the market
after the Sony PRS-500 -- which also wasn't the first e-book reader available, but was one of the first from a household name.
The rest, of course, is history: Amazon has gone on to leverage its world-class store to dominate the e-book scene, while competitors like Barnes & Noble, Apple, and Kobo struggle to keep up. Sony, meanwhile, keeps its hand in the game, releasing an updated Reader every year or so.
For 2012, the new model is the Reader PRS-T2. The touch-screen e-ink e-reader weighs 5.9 ounces, and is available in black, white, and red. It looks very similar to last year's PRS-T1 -- and also costs the same at $130 -- but it brings some feature and performance improvements along with some tweaks to the button layout and design.
Overall, it's an attractive e-reader, with nice, dark text, good performance, and a lightweight design that makes it easy to hold in your hand. I had a few nitpicks as about a couple of design elements, but overall I liked using this Reader. There's nothing really wrong with it except for the fact that it costs $10 more than competing e-readers that are just as good or better (, Nook Simple Touch with GlowLight). Moreover, it's missing the killer feature that those products offer: a built-in light (the $129.99 Kobo Glo also has this feature).
So is there any reason to get it? Well, if you're wed to Sony's e-books ecosystem (or just a Sony Reader fan), sure. This is an incremental upgrade from the the PRS-T1. But for others new to the e-reader game, especially those living in the U.S., it's hard to recommend the T2 over the Kindle Paperwhite or Nook Simple Touch with GlowLight, both of which offer the self-illuminated screen and the more extensive online bookstores of Amazon and Barnes & Noble, respectively.
The Sony PRS-T2 has newly designed physical buttons on the front.
Sarah Tew/CNET
Good design, few nitpicks
As I said, overall I liked the look and feel of the device. It's 4.375 inches wide, which is pretty narrow for an e-reader, and fits comfortably in your hand. I reviewed the matte black model and it has a nice, rubberized finished. The only problem with the black version is that the finish shows fingerprints (I suspect this would be less of an issue with the white version). To be fair, both the Kindle Paperwhite and Nook Simple Touch with GlowLight have similar finishes and also attract fingerprints. But I'm just pointing it out.
Unlike the Paperwhite, which has no physical buttons, this model has five on the front (underneath the screen). A lot of people like their touch-screen e-readers to also have physical buttons, but it's worth mentioning that the page-turn buttons are on the left side of the device, so if you prefer holding your e-reader in your right hand when you read, their placement might seem like a bit of a nuisance. The buttons also look a tad cheap, and with a lot of use, the paint on the buttons may start to wear off. Again, this is a small nitpick, but the
and Nook's look a tad more sleek.
Feature highlights
In terms of upgrades, Sony says the "glare-free" E-Ink Pearl V220 touch screen has been "enhanced for long-term reading." There are new social features (Facebook and Evernote), a simplified home screen, and an updated default book layout intended to make it easier to organize and find books. Smoother zoom in and out and improved continuous page turns are designed to improve the reading experience. There are two built-in English-language and four translation dictionaries. Battery life has been doubled from one month to two with wireless off, and the device's control buttons have been redesigned.
Finally, the matte black T2 model (the review sample I got) includes a free voucher for the e-book of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone," redeemable from the
shop online. (That's right, only the black model has the free book.)
A stylus is included for marking up pages.
Sarah Tew/CNET
In other good news, you no longer have to install any software on your computer to access the Reader S it's all done through a Web-based interface now that you can access from most browsers. Sony says any book purchased via Web browser will be "waiting in the user's Reader library, ready to be read." Needless to say, Sony was just a bit behind Amazon and Barnes & Noble in this department.
Editors' Top Picks
Although it's pricey, the Kindle Voyage's slim design, sharper display and even better...
Amazon's next-generation e-reader may look the same as the original, but it's noticeably...
While it doesn't necessarily beat the Kindle Paperwhite, the $119 Nook GlowLight is an...
Amazon's entry-level Kindle is the company's most affordable touchscreen e-reader to date...
Discuss Sony Reader PRS-T2 (black)
Where to Buy
Related Models
Quick Specifications
Release date
Aug 16, 2012
Wireless Connectivity
IEEE 802.11b
IEEE 802.11g
IEEE 802.11n
About The Author
Executive Editor David Carnoy has been a leading member of CNET's Reviews team since 2000. He covers the gamut of gadgets and is a notable e-reader and e-publishing expert. He's also the author of the novels
and . Both titles are available as , , and[简单开箱] Sony Reader Wi-Fi PRS-T1
descent wrote:
请问怎么把机器从皮套拿出来? 试了几次还是拿不出来。
请参考Sony官网 皮套User Guide图解说明:
F0129 wrote:
请参考Sony官网 皮套User Guide图解说明:
感谢, 回家后试试。可以成功拿出机器。
我在操作浏览器时, 只要卷动, 萤幕就一直闪, 当然可以使用那种半闪的方式拉动画面, 不过最后还是要闪一下。实在无法习惯这样的浏览品质。
有详细的介绍 汉王 VS Sony Reader Wi-Fi PRS-T1
请问大家的 Sony Reader Wi-Fi PRS-T1 会当机吗?
3 个礼拜之间我就遇到 3 次当机, 好像太频繁了点。
descent wrote:
请问大家的 Sony Reader Wi-Fi PRS-T1 会当机吗?
3 个礼拜之间我就遇到 3 次当机, 好像太频繁了点。...(恕删)
话说去年11月底又有更新。主要修正Sony Reader Store网站无法登入的问题。
安装该app时一直出现out of space叫我free some space,
指的是Sony prs-T1内部内存,
托人从日本带回一台 PRS-T2
请问有人知道如何update , 改成英文版本吗?
我是嘴嘴 wrote:
托人从日本带回一台 ...(恕删)
谷歌"prs-t2 改机", 可以找到没有屋顶的拍卖,改机费用不便宜
是阿 , 就是因为不便宜想自己动手
一个俄文的网站看不懂 , 也很难在里面用英文搜寻
epub 格式比我想像得好用, 不像 pdf 若要放大字型, 在 sony prs-t1 就不是整页模式, 而需要拉动, 这时候 e-ink 烦人的闪烁会很讨厌, 根本无法观看一本书。PDF is page-oriented, while ePub is more flow-oriented。epub 在放大字型后还是整页模式, 阅读起来轻松不少, 若是纯文字的档案, 转成 epub 很适合在电子阅读器上阅读。
上面三张图列出在放大不同字型整个页面的效果, 说实在的, 比 pdf 好上许多, 当然图片部份没特别处理, 不过这样已经可接受了。要不是对 epub 如何编排完整格式还不清楚, 真不想用 latex 制作 pdf 了。
Calibre 是很好用的转档工具, 但除了可以转档之外还可以抓取 rss。这可是 Greenbook EZRead Touch 主打功能之一; Calibre 也可以将 rss 下载后转成
epub 格式 (ref 2), 这样就可以舒服的观看, 有时候 rss 内容一多, 用电脑看还是不方便。用浏览器看不是更方便吗?那当然,
不过得上网, 而且内建浏览器好像没多强, google reader 观看品质不佳。
从 Fetch news 按进去后, 花点时间应该熟悉。转好后的 rss epub 档案有可能会放在 Periodicals, 找不到时到这里看看。
中文的 epub 需要做以下的处理, 包含用 rss 转出来的 ebpu, 请参考前面讨论:
或是另外一招: , 不过这需要另外复制一个新字型。
但其实有遇到失败的结果, 中文还是会有问题, epub 其实是 zip 压缩档, 我会手动改正转换的结果, 或是加上图片, 以我手边这个 epub 为例:
descent@debianlinux:aa$ unzip ../ll.epub
descent@debianlinux:aa$ ls -Rl
-rw-r--r-- 1 descent descent& 2492 Jan& 6 01:12 content.opf
-rw-r--r-- 1 descent descent 20349 Jan& 6 01:12 cover.jpeg
drwxr-xr-x 2 descent descent& 4096 Jan& 6 01:12 META-INF
-rw------- 1 descent descent&&& 20 Jan& 6 01:12 mimetype
drwxr-xr-x 4 descent descent& 4096 Jan& 6 01:12 OEBPS
-rw-r--r-- 1 descent descent&& 181 Jan& 6 01:12 page_styles.css
-rw-r--r-- 1 descent descent& 3380 Jan& 6 01:12 stylesheet.css
-rw-r--r-- 1 descent descent&& 799 Jan& 6 01:12 titlepage.xhtml
-rw-r--r-- 1 descent descent& 1102 Jan& 6 01:12 toc.ncx
-rw------- 1 descent descent 244 Jan& 6 01:12 container.xml
drwxr-xr-x 2 descent descent 4096 Jan& 6 01:12 img
drwxr-xr-x 2 descent descent 4096 Jan& 6 22:04 text
-rw-r--r-- 1 descent descent 4592 Jan& 6 01:12 dotepub.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 descent descent 8260 Jan& 6 22:04 content.xhtml
-rw-r--r-- 1 descent descent 1485 Jan& 6 01:12 copy.xhtml
-rw-r--r-- 1 descent descent& 772 Jan& 6 01:12 title.xhtml
descent@debianlinux:aa$ ls OEBPS/text/content.xhtml
这便是电子书的内容, 修改它即可改变整个内容, 是一个 html 格式的档案, 可以看到熟悉的 html tag。
descent@debianlinux:aa$ cat page_styles.css
margin-bottom: 5
margin-top: 5pt
@font-face {
font-family: "DroidSans", serif, sans-
src: url(res:///ebook/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf)
page_styles.css 则是加入了让 sony prs-t1 可以显示中文的 css file。
在我修改的 epub 档案中, 定义在 calibre6 class 里头, 所以要使用这个 font-face, 要这样用:
&pre class="calibre6"&
这样 pre tag 的中文就能在 prs-t1 上正确看到。
网页也可转成 epub 格式 (ref 1)。不过转换后图片的部份都会被去掉, 我就是把 epub 解开后, 手动编辑 html/css, 图片就出现了。


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