sony z4 music的Music Unlimited,这个有人在用吗

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药品服务许可证(京)-经营-Sony announces PlayStation Music, shutting down Music Unlimited and some Vita apps | ITworld
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Sony announces PlayStation Music, shutting down Music Unlimited and some Vita apps
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Sony has announced that they are discontinuing their Music Unlimited streaming service. You might not even realize Sony has Music Unlimited never seemed to gain traction and frankly, I never found it to be very good. The web interface always felt pretty clunky and at least when the PlayStation 4 launched, the Music Unlimited app seemed to work only sporadically.Maybe I'm just unlucky, but for whatever reason Sony is throwing in the towel on its in-house service. The good news is that they're replacing Music Unlimited with PlayStation Music, and PlayStation Music is going to be powered by Spotify.In fact as far as I can ascertain , PlayStation Music could just as well be called Spotify on PlayStation. It seems like you'll be able to link your PlayStation and Spotify accounts and access all your Spotify playlists. You can use PlayStation Music whether you're a free or a premium Spotify member. So what's the difference between PlayStation Music and Spotify? I'm not seeing one, though I'm not a Spotify user so maybe there are nuances I'm missing. I guess we'll know more as we get closer to launch.I can't resist the temptation of comparing PlayStation Music to the recently released Pandora on Xbox One. In this particular battle, Sony comes out clearly ahead. PlayStation Music (based on what we know now) will let you set up and use playlists, and you'll be able to listen to music while gaming without making any compromises. (On the Xbox One you have to 'snap' Pandora to one side and devote about 20% of your screen real estate to it if you want to listen while playing a game.) This is one of the few times a PS4 media feature outclasses a similar feature on the Xbox One.PlayStation Music will initially be available on the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and Xperia smartphones and tablets. While there's no official launch date, Music Unlimited is shutting down on March 29th, 2015 and it's safe to assume Sony will want PlayStation Music in place by then.PlayStation Vita owners who are fans of Music Unlimited are being left out in the cold, it seems. As of March 29th, 2015 these users won't have either the old or the new streaming music service available.And that's not all that Vita owners are losing. Yesterday
that the Vita YouTube app will no longer be supported as of April 20th, 2015, and the app is no longer available from the PlayStation store. Sony suggests using the Vita's web browser to visit YouTube's mobile site. It seems like if you already have the YouTube app it'll still work past April 20th, Sony just won't support it if YouTube changes something and the app breaks. Hopefully that won't happen.In a
Sony also revealed that the Vita Maps app will be removed in a firmware update coming in March. When that happens location-based features of the Vita's odd Near social app will also stop functioning.I'm not sure how many Vita owners will miss Vita Maps but I think the YouTube app support is something of a loss. Pure speculation on my part, but these two changes both involve Google and I can't help but wonder if it's some kind of licensing issue. Whatever the reason, and no matter how justified the decision may be (not that we have any way of knowing if its justified or not), some Vita fans are seeing this as another sign Sony is abandoning their beloved platform. I guess it's hard to love the Vita and not wind up with at least a bit of a video gaming persecution complex.
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Sony today launched an iOS app for its Music Unlimited streaming service, which had previously been available only to Android users. This will help open up the service to many new users to compete against similar music streaming platforms such as Spotify, MOG, and Rdio, all letting users stream music, customize playlists and more with a cheap monthly subscription.
Music Unlimited has been available on Android, Walkman PMPs, and PlayStation products as well as on Sony's home theater products. This new Music Unlimited iOS app is only available for the iPhone at this time, but an iPad-optimized version will likely be on its way.
The service offers a simple selection of two subscription plans. The basic plan is $3.99 per month and is limited to only a selection of channels that you customize by liking and disliking tracks. The premium plan is $9.99 per month and gives you instant on-demand playback of Sony's entire music catalog. It also offers offline listening, the ability to customize playlists, and access to premium channels.
[ 9to5Mac]
Must Read Bits & Bytes索尼发布了Music Unlimited应用程序,该程序是索尼先前承诺为iOS客户端打造-达人IT——数码潮人站小站-人人小站
索尼发布了Music Unlimited应用程序,该程序是索尼先前承诺为iOS客户端打造您当前位置:
& 索尼升级音乐媒体服务Music Unlimite...
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  Music Unlimited 是索尼去年 7 月在日本推出的一项在线音乐流媒体服务。面对来自 Spotify、Rdio、Pandora 等同类服务的竞争压力,Music Unlimited 做出了非常积极的努力。近日,它面向 PlayStation 3、Android 手机和平板用户推出了码率高达 320Kbps 的高品质音乐享受,同时也针对 Android 平台的应用进行了升级。  升级到最新的 1.4 版应用后,Android 用户会发现,Music Unlimited 对尚未购买的歌曲提供了 30 秒的免费试听时间,且平板设备终于也可像智能手机一样离线保存歌曲。此外,在智能手机中,Music Unlimited 还新增了“ My Channels ”(我的频道)功能,允许用户根据个人喜好创建属于自己的音乐电台。最后,新版的应用允许安装至外置SD卡,并在应用内提供了注册新账号的途径。  需要指出的是,最新的 1.4 版 Music Unlimited 应用并不支持包括谷歌 Nexus 7 在内的某些平板,目前 320Kbps 的高品质音乐也仅向 Android 设备、PlayStation 3 和网页版服务开放。索尼表示,桌面电脑、iOS、PlayStation Vita 用户将在今年晚些时候获得同样的升级。
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