as long there is hope,there is miracle kill! 只要有希望,就会有

as long there is hope,there is miracle! 只要有希望,就会有_百度知道
as long there is hope,there is miracle! 只要有希望,就会有
能不能这样翻译,there is miracle。这句话有没有语法错误,就会有奇迹!只要有希望as long there is hope
as long as 只要,固定搭配,要加一个as
祝你开心如意!orWhere there is hope,there is miracle:As long as there is hope有失误,there is miracle,就会有奇迹!只要有希望,不过稍微修改一下就可以
as long as there is hope,there is a miracle!只要有希望,就有奇迹!
有啊as。long as there is hope
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Ms Justice Russell will rule on an application by the NHS trust to switch off the boy’s life-support machine &Photo: Photoshot
By , Social Affairs Editor
A severely brain damaged 17-month-old boy who was taken off a life support machine after a judge ruled there was no hope of a “miracle”, despite his parents’ deep faith, has died.
The devout Christian couple strongly resisted moves by doctors in London to remove his life support telling a High Court judge last week that no-one has the “right” to end their son’s life despite the apparent hopelessness of his condition.
Ms Justice Russell was told how the boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons, suffered “catastrophic and irreversible brain injury” after being born prematurely by emergency Caesarean section last year. He also had a chronic lung disease and relied on a ventilator.
But his condition was exacerbated by what the court heard were “multiple failures” in his care, during emergency treatment late last year.
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust in London, which runs the hospital where the boy was treated, had openly admitted that something had "gone wrong" with his care, the court heard.
But lawyers for the hospital successfully applied for a ruling that life-support treatment could be withdrawn, against his parents’ wishes, because doctors were convinced it was no longer in his “best interests” to continue to keep him alive.
The judge described the case as “unbearable” but ruled that, despite the boy’s parents’ wishes, there was no hope of recovery and that it would not be in his interests to prolong his condition.
Lawyer Yogi Amin, of the law firm Irwin Mitchell, who represents the family, confirmed on Monday that the boy had now died.
Requesting privacy, he added: "The family are of course devastated to have lost a precious life in their family.”
The case reopens debate about the limits of medical intervention as well the rights of courts to take decisions with life-or-death consequences – issues which were thrown into stark relief by the medical failures and the family’s deeply held convictions.
Addressing the judge at a hearing last week, the boy's mother said: "He is still alive - miracles do happen."
She added: “Where there is life I don't think you should get the right to determine whether that should be taken away.”
His father told the judge that no-one knew a child better than their parents.
"I spend a lot of time with him, talking to him, I know when he is listening ... We know he is reacting to certain things,” he said.
He said that doctors had always refused to listen
He added: "We have been told that this child is not even our child any more ... I feel it is wrong, very wrong.
Michael Marrinan, the trust's executive medical director, said: "Decisions about what is best for patients in circumstances such as this are always difficult.
"This baby spent his whole life in our intensive care unit and after a long period of assessment by our doctors and independent experts, we determined that he did not have hope of improving.
"We are sorry that we could not reach an agreement with his parents about the best course of action to take.
"We would like to extend our deepest sympathies to his parents for the loss of their son."
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PAST MONTHplease remember ,we should not give up as long as there is still a ray of hope ! 这句话是什么意思,_百度知道
please remember ,we should not give up as long as there is still a ray of hope ! 这句话是什么意思,
6. As long as live,我都会帮助你.;m not particular how you do it as long as it gets done。
7. We't mind as long as it doesn&#39.
如果你开车小心,又下雨了.as long as.
他拉长着脸进来说,我们就尽早装货, I&#39。
2,只要还有一线希望!本句难点在与AS LONG AS&#47,你怎么做我并不计较;t rain. He came in with a face as long as a fiddle and said it was raining again. As long as you drive carefully. As long as you don'll ship the goods at an early time as long as there is a steamer.一样长例句与用法.。
只要你不出卖我. This line is four times as long as that one。
只要不下雨就行了. I don&#39.
3;ll do whatever you ask me to (do), you will be very safe:
只要把它完成了: 1. I&#39请记住, It betray me,要我做什么我都愿意;AS LONG的翻译。
文章、短语、单词 翻译模式:------------------原文------------------只要有生命,就会有希望------------------译文------------------As long as there is life, there is hope
As long as there is life, there is hope.
As long as there is life, there will be hope 。祝你学业有成


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