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初一英语期末语法复习—一般现在时用括号中所给动词的适当形式填涳。1. My father always _________ ( come ) back from work very late. 2. The professor is busy. He _________ ( sleep ) six hours a day. 3. Listen! Joan ___________ ( sing ) in the next room. She often __________ ( sing ) there. 4. We’ll tell Mr Li the good news as soon as he _________ ( finish ) the meeting. 5. Does your brother _________ ( know ) Japanese?6. They will go to the zoo if it _____________ ( not rain ).7. Who __________(speak) English best in your class?8. The moon ___________ ( travel ) round the earth and the earth _________ round the sun. 9. It usually ________ ( take ) me about one hour to finish my homework. 10. The girl _________ ( like ) wearing a skirt. Look! She __________ ( wear )a red skirt today. 初一英语期末语法复习--现在进行时一、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1. Don’t make any noise. The teachers _________ ( have ) an important meeting.2. It’s seven o’clock in the evening. The Smith family ______________ ( watch ) TV. 3. “_______ you ________ ( make ) cakes now?” “ No, I ____________ (eat ) cakes.”4. Look! Who ___________ ( sit ) under that tall tree?5. “Where are the students?” “They_____________ (play) football on the playground now.”6. “Supper is ready, Li Lei.” “Yes, I ___________ ( come ).”7. Listen! Someone ____________ ( cry ) over there. 8. “___________ your mother __________ (cook)?” “Yes, she is.”9. Look, they ____________ (watch ) TV.10. We _____________ (study) English now.11. Listen! What ________ they ___________ (sing) in the next room?12. I’m writing. At the same time, Mary _______________(take) some notes.13. _____________you ____________ now? ( shop ) 初一英语期末语法复习—一般过去时一 、单项选择。1. Tom often
up at 6:00 in the morning, but today he
A. get, get
B. get, gets
C. gets,got
D. got, got 2. His French teacher
teaching in this school two years ago.
D.beginning3. —What
you do last night?
newspapers and watched TV.
A. do, read
B.does, reads
C. do, reads
D. does, read 4. Dig you
at the party last night?
A. sing and dance
B.sing and danced
C. sang and danced
D. singing and dancing
the farm last weekend and it
really fun.
A. visit, is
B. visits, was
C. visited, were
D. visited, was6.
a sports meeting yesterday.
her homework because she was ill.
A. didn’t
B. didn’t do
D. doesn’t do8.
to Shanghai last year.
D. going9. —What did she do on Sunday afternoon?
for the test.
B. studies
C. studied
D. studying10. The students
a Class meeting _____ Monday afternoon.
A. have, in
B. had, in
C. has, on
D. had, on11. —How ___________ (be) your weekend?
— It was great.
D. were 12. Where _____ he _______ last Sunday?
A. did, go
B. did, went
C. are, go
D. was, went挑战中考I. 单選200817. Lucy and Lily _____ sisters. They study at the same school.A. be
24. Don’t turn on the TV. Grandma _____ now.A. is sleeping
B. will sleep
25.We were in Qingdao last week and ____ great fun there.A. will have
B. will sleep
29. He’ll send us a message as soon as he _______ in Sichuan.A. is arriving
B. will arrive
C. arrived
D. arrives
200927. There _____ many students in the library after school every day.A. has
29. Mr. Green ____ to the manager now. You’d better call him later.A. talk
C. is talking
D. was talking
31. They _____ her to the party, so she was very happy.A. invite
B. invited
C. will invite
D. are inviting
201023. The reading room _____ very quiet. I enjoy reading books there.A. am
29. What’s your father doing now? He _____ the room.A. cleaned
C. has cleaned
D. is cleaning
30. Tom will call me as soon as he _____ home.A. gets
B. has got
D. will get
201128. Paul and I ___ tennis yesterday. He did much better than I.A. play
B. will play
D. are playing
29. Where is Tom? His mother ____ him now.A. is looking for
B. will look for
C. has looked for
D. looks for
33. I will send you an e-mail as soon as I ____ in Canada.A. arrive
B. arrived
C. am arriving
D. will arrive
201225. Where were you last Saturday?
I ____ in the Capital Museum.A. am
B. will be
D. have been
28. May I speak to the headmaster?
-He____ a meeting now. Can I take a message?A. is having
D. will have
201328. There ____ many trees in front of my house.A. is
34. I don’t remember ____ the book yesterday.A. where I put
B. where did I put
C. where will I put
D. where I will put
II.完成句子4. 在体育测试中,我尽力了。(2010)____________________________________________ possible in the PE test.4. 我哥哥花了一個星期教我弹吉他。(2011)____________________________________________________ to play the guitar.5. 妈妈常告诉我,既不要炫耀自己,也不要轻視别人。(2011)Mom often __________________________________________________________2. 你在课余时间喜欢读书吗?(2012)Do you _________________________________________________ in your spare time?4. 这个演讲非常精彩,我們都听得很认真。(2012)The speech ___________________________________ we all listened carefully.2. 我爸爸过去常常开车上班,现在坐公交车了。(2013)My father _______________________________ go to work, but I he takes the bus.3. 夶家正盼望着暑假呢。(2013)We __________________________________________________ the summer holiday.4. 我一读完这本书就还给你。 (2013)I will return the book to you ___________________________________________ it.
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